Introducing CrimRxiv: A free open access service by and for criminologists

Scott Jacques

Scott Jacques



Jean-Louis van Gelder

Jean-Louis van Gelder





Open Access (OA) is a global movement that is gaining momentum and its epicenter is Europe. The goal of OA is to make science more accessible, impactful, and diverse, by taking away the financial, legal and technical barriers to the publication of, and access to, research and data. CrimRxiv is a key hub and repository for open science in criminology. The aim of CrimRxiv is to initiate, develop, and help disseminate open access practices among criminologists. CrimRxiv is founded, owned, and operated by criminologists. Its home is the University of Manchester's Department of Criminology. It receives further support from the CrimRxiv Consortium, an international network of institutional leaders who together ensure CrimRxiv is free to use for all. Readers never hit a paywall to access articles and other publications and authors never face article processing charges (APCs).


Our mission is to advance the quantity, quality, and usage of open criminology. To grow faster and better, we want to serve the ESC, its members, and working groups (such as the European Network for Open Criminology). Therefore, we invite you to share your work on CrimRxiv. This will increase not only the visibility of your work but also ensures free and fair access for everyone and contribute to the development of criminology as whole. Also, please consider CrimRxiv as a (free) resource for research and teaching. To see what's happening on CrimRxiv, visit our site, follow us on social media (on X; on LinkedIn), and sign up for our weekly digest email. Our new YouTube channel has helpful videos, including one explaining How-To Submit your work to CrimRxiv. Thank you for supporting open criminology!