Note from the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Team for the European Journal of Criminology

Kyle Treiber

Kyle Treiber

University of Cambridge




The last two years have been busy for the European Journal of Criminology. Of particular note to our readers will be the ‘bumper’ issues we began producing in late 2022. With the support of SAGE publishing we have been steadily reducing our backlog of online first articles awaiting print publication, and are pleased to report that after Issue 20.4 (July 2023), which will be our last ‘bumper’ issue, the time from online first to print publication will be approximately six months. We appreciate the patience of our past authors and hope all our readers enjoy the large array of articles we have and will publish in Issues 19 (2022) and 20 (2023). We published over 80 articles in 2022, nearly twice our usual rate, and should exceed this in 2023. We will return to printing approximately eight articles per issue in the September 2023 Issue.

You can now follow the European Journal of Criminology on Twitter @EJC_Eurocrim! Please join us to keep up to date with the latest publications and journal activities.

Our Editorial Team is continuously working to streamline our peer review process. We recently launched an Open Call for Associate Editors to support an effective and efficient peer review process. We hope to attract a wide range of applicants from early career to established scholars who want to be involved in shaping European criminology. We are looking to maintain a team of around six Associate Editors with expertise covering a wide array of topics and regions of Europe. For more information please visit the journal’s website ( and follow this link: [MOU1] 

Up-to-date contact information is vital to our ability to communicate with authors and reviewers. We would be grateful if all current and future authors and reviewers could check and if necessary update their details in our ScholarOne databased, which can be accessed at We remain extremely grateful to everyone who contributes their scholarship, time, and expertise to the journal and its peer review process.