Working Group report: European Working Group on Quantitative Methods in Criminology (EQMC)
The European Working Group on Quantitative Methods in Criminology (EQMC) aims to facilitate the exchange and cooperation between researchers focusing on the development and application of quantitative methods in criminology. In this context, the EQMC organizes and disseminates information on developments in quantitative methodology relevant to criminologists and organizes sessions and thematic workshops at the annual ESC conferences. People interested in joining the EQMC may send their name, affiliation, and research interests to and
Summary of Activities from 2022-2023
- Regular and special interest sessions at the ESC conference in Malaga, Spain, 2022:
- Measurement Error in Crime Data
- Understanding the perception-choice process of criminal action
- Methodological developments in research on recidivism and repeat offending
- New directions in quantitative criminological research I
- New directions in quantitative criminological research II
- Quantitative analyses on the situational action theory
- Does criminogenic exposure really matter? Examining the situational model in Situational Action Theory
- Organization and CfP for a special issue on “Comparability and Measurement Invariance in Comparative Criminology” in International Criminology: