online seminar “Examining the multifaceted harms of corporate and white-collar crime"





On 20-21 April (13-18h15 central European time) the online seminar “Examining the multifaceted harms of corporate and white-collar crime” will take place.
This is co-organized by EUROC, the European Society of Criminology Working Group on Organizational Crime and the American Society of Criminology Division of White-Collar and Corporate Crime and hosted by Erasmus University Rotterdam.
The seminar brings thought-provoking key-notes by Mary Dodge (UCDenver) on gender and WCC, Annika van Baar (VU Amsterdam) on atrocity crimes, K. Sebastian Leon (Rutgers University) on industrial meatpacking, labor and migration and Vincenzo Ruggiero (Middlesex University) on the intersection of corporate harm, crime, socio-politics and ideologies. There are also several parallel sessions and a lightning talks session on all things corporate and white-collar crime, including environmental crime.
Attendance is free, but registration is required here.